DNA Amazing Facts


DNA may seem like a collection of threads hidden under a microscope, but the complexity of its structure, which has been highlighted by nature, amazes the human intellect.


The length of DNA is an ocean of wonder. A human cell contains about six feet of DNA thread. If the DNA of all the cells of a complete human being were combined in the direction of length, its length would be about 11 billion kilometers, which is more than seventy times the distance of the sun from the earth, that is, a state-of-the-art ultrasonic plane with a speed of sound. Eight times faster than that, he will cover this distance in a century.

Similarly, if a typist typed the acronym denoting nucleotides of DNA at the rate of 60 words per minute for 8 hours a day, he would write the DNA of only one cell in fifteen years without any rest or rest. can go.

While the book that will be produced from it, if it has five hundred words on one page and a total of 1000 pages, then 280 books will be prepared which will contain information of only one cell. All the resources on earth are insufficient to write down the information of all the cells of a human being. Despite its length, it takes up very little space. One million nucleotides of DNA occupy as much space as a computer stores one megabyte of data. And the complete DNA of a cell takes up 3 gigabytes of space.


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